
This Privacy Policy describes the personally identifiable information that Making Baby Connection LLC (“Making Baby Connection LLC,” “we,” “us”) collects in the United States through our website located at (the “Site”) and how we use that information. Please note that this Privacy Policy applies solely to our online information-gathering and dissemination practices in connection with the Site, and does not apply to any of our practices conducted offline or outside of the U.S. If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy or our practices regarding your personally identifiable information, please contact us at

The Information That We Collect

Making Baby Connection LLC collects two types of information about users of our Site:

(1) Personally identifiable information: In general, you do not have to provide us with your personally identifiable information to use this Site. However, certain services to which you may subscribe through this Site (e.g., “legal updates” email messages) may require you to provide personally identifiable information, such as your name, physical address, and email address. We use such personally identifiable information to respond to your inquiries and to send you newsletters or publications that you request. You may also receive other mailings relating to Making Baby Connection LLC seminars or events that we think may be of interest to you. If you decide at any time that you no longer wish to receive mailings from us, please refer to the paragraph below headed “Changing or Deleting Personal Information.”

If you contact us by email through the Site, we may keep a record of your contact information and correspondence, and we reserve the right to use your email address, and any information that you provide to us in your message, to respond thereto. In addition, on rare occasions, we may send by email important administrative information regarding the Site or services to users who have provided us with their email addresses; because this information may be important to your use of the Site, it is not possible to “opt out” of receiving these emails.

The Site is not directed to children under eighteen (18) years of age, and Making Baby Connection LLC does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from such children. If you are younger than eighteen, please do not provide any personally identifiable information while using the Site.

(2) Non-personally identifiable information: we may use cookies to collect non-personally identifiable information in connection with the Site. Our web pages may incorporate “pixel tags”, “web beacons”, or similar tracking technologies (collectively, “pixel tags”) that allow us or our agents to track the actions of users of our Site. Pixel tags are used to collect non-personally identifiable information, such as the name of your internet service provider, the IP address of the computer you are using, the type of browser software and operating system that you use, the date and time you access our Site, the website address, if any, from which you linked directly to our Site, the website address, if any, to which you travel from our Site, and other similar traffic-related information. We may also aggregate your information with similar data collected from other users to help us improve our Site and the services that we provide through our Site. We do not use such data in any way to create or maintain a personal profile of you or collect personally identifiable information from you.

How We Use the Information We Gather

Generally, we will not disclose personally identifiable information that we collect through your use of the Site to unaffiliated third parties. We reserve the right, however, to provide such information to our employees, contractors, agents, and designees to the extent necessary to enable them to perform certain Site-related services (e.g., web hosting, improve Site-related services and features, or maintenance services) on our behalf. We also reserve the right to disclose such information to any third party if we believe that we are required to do so for any or all of the following reasons: (i) by law; (ii) to comply with legal processes or governmental requests; (iii) to prevent, investigate, detect, or prosecute criminal offenses or attacks on the technical integrity of the Site or our network; and/or (iv) to protect the rights, property, or safety of Making Baby Connection LLC and its affiliates, their partners, and employees, the users of the Site, or the public.

Special Notification for Our Individual California Clients

We do not disclose our clients’ personal information to unaffiliated third parties for purposes of their direct marketing. However, we may provide our clients’ personal information to other affiliated entities of Making Baby Connection LLC, such as our partner law offices, consistent with our goal of providing the highest level of service to our clients. This information may be used to send you legal updates, seminar invitations, and other information about the services offered by our other entities. Because separate legal entities are considered “third parties” for purposes of California Civil Code Section 1798.83, we are providing the following information for individual California clients who have given us their personal information pursuant to an established legal services relationship that is primarily for personal, family, or household purposes (“Individual California Clients”).

Effective January 1, 2008, Individual California Clients may request information about our disclosures of certain categories of personally identifiable information to third parties (i.e., other legal entities of Making Baby Connection LLC) for their direct marketing purposes. Such requests must be submitted to us by email at

Within thirty (30) days of receiving such a request, we will provide a list of the categories of personal information disclosed to separate legal entities for their direct marketing purposes during the immediately preceding calendar year, along with the names and addresses of these entities. This request may be made no more than once per calendar year. We reserve our right not to respond to requests submitted other than to the email or mailing addresses specified in this paragraph.

Changing or Deleting Personal Information

If you would like to change your personal information, or if you no longer wish to receive materials from us or want your personal information removed from Making Baby Connection LLC’s database, please contact us at Alternatively, when you receive materials from us by email or other communications you can make use of the “opt out” provision in such communications so that we know that you no longer wish to receive such materials from us.


Making Baby Connection LLC seeks to adopt commercially reasonable security measures consistent with legal industry practice to assist in protecting against the loss, misuse, and alteration of personally identifiable information which is under our control. Unfortunately, no security system, or system of transmitting data over the Internet, can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result of the foregoing, while we undertake commercially reasonable efforts to protect your personally identifiable information, we cannot guarantee the security of our servers, the means by which information is transmitted between your computer and Making Baby Connection LLC‘s computers, or any information provided to us or to any third party through or in connection with the Site. You provide all such information entirely at your own risk.

Revisions to Privacy Policy

The Internet and the benefits it offers are evolving rapidly, as are the ways in which people use the Internet and the laws surrounding such use. Making Baby Connection LLC therefore reserves the right to update and revise this Privacy Policy at any time. You can determine if this Privacy Policy has been revised since your last visit by referring to the “Effective Date of Current Policy” date at the top of this page. Your use of our Site constitutes your acceptance of the terms of the Privacy Policy as amended or revised by us, and you should therefore review this Privacy Policy regularly to ensure that you are aware of its terms.

Business Transfers

Making Baby Connection LLC reserves the right to transfer any and all information that we collect from users, or that we otherwise collect in connection with the Site, including, without limitation, to unaffiliated third parties or third parties, in the event of a sale or transfer of assets or of any portion of our business.

Links to Other Sites

Our Site contains links to other websites. Please be aware that we are not and cannot be responsible for the privacy practices of such other websites and that this Privacy Policy applies solely to the information which we collect through this Site. We encourage you to ensure that you read the privacy statements of all the destination websites which you visit.